Is Apple planning a more significant entry into the gaming field, with the launch of a selection of game boards adapted to its various devic...
One configuration is very reminiscent of the Nintendo Switch console, with a pair of remotes that connect on both sides of the iPhone. While there is a Lightning connection on the bottom of the device that the remote can connect to, it is not entirely clear from the patent document what the other remote should be attached to the device - but apparently, Apple has some solution.
A completely different configuration is a kind of folding case (polio), which allows the device to be placed at an angle in front of the user, and includes physical control controllers on the lower side. In another example that Apple gives of such a case, the lower part of the case contains a touch screen, which allows various functions such as recording the game or writing messages to friends.
Finally, the patent document also shows a "classic" game controller, just like that of the PlayStation or Xbox consoles. Such a remote will presumably be particularly suitable for Apple TV media streams, although there are already signs from outside manufacturers such as Razer on the market. It is possible that here Apple hopes to gain an advantage by easily and automatically connecting the remote to the device, similar to the AirPods headphones.